Sunday, September 13, 2015

Best open source social networking platform?



Open source social networks for business or specialized domain.



Arck Interactive and Elgg Developers

I was using Elgg alot to create Enterprise Social Collaboration work spaces.  I really like how Elgg works but I wish that I was bit more hands on with being able to code visual changes into my project. These Guys do some great work.

"Arck Interactive is a full-service web development agency specializing in custom web and mobile application development. Our projects come in all shapes in sizes: from small community sites, enterprise class business intelligence platforms to heavily integrated mobile applications. If it’s out there, chances are, we’ve worked with it."

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Simpplr | Salesforce Social Intranet Features

Simpplr | Salesforce Social Intranet Features:

Very interesting tool from the Sales Force family that integrates many collaboration capabilities into a unified social collaboration workflow platform.

Finally, someone is thinking about working smarter.

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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Inaugural Legion Family Golf Outing

The Son's of the American Legion Squadron 791 is hosting the Inaugural Legion Family Golf outing at Sportsman's Golf course at 1 pm. Prizes and raffle proceeds will go to the American Legion Child Welfare Program. for tickets and more information email the Special Events Coordinator Jeff Kaup.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Rise of the 4th Platform: Pervasive Community, Data, Devices, and Intelligence | On Web Strategy | Dion Hinchcliffe

This article gets to the meat of the benefits of Enterprise Social Collaboration.  The ability to collaborate with the ability to analyze the activity and content so that the users can work smarter and more efficiently.  Much the way that Facebook allows you to find content based on relationships and events, the work place tools of the future should also allow you to find information and knowledge based on relationships of users and the relationships of the content shared and collaborated.

The Rise of the 4th Platform: Pervasive Community, Data, Devices, and Intelligence | On Web Strategy | Dion Hinchcliffe:

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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Social Collaboration Barriers | SmartData Collective

Social Collaboration Barriers | SmartData Collective:

"Social collaboration tools should be the way forward in enterprises of all sizes. Email is inefficient and broken. Social networks, by comparison, are too public, but we’ve all grown familiar and comfortable with how they function. Which makes social collaboration tools a natural fit, except many companies are still struggling with implementation and adoption."

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The ROI for Enterprise Collaboration Tools | Enterprise Social Network Blog - tibbr

The ROI for Enterprise Collaboration Tools | Enterprise Social Network Blog - tibbr:

Emilie Doolittle of Tibbr, a social collaboration tool, puts the ROI clearly in this blog: “If you wanted to study access to information, for example, you would simply measure how much time it takes to locate information before and after implementation of your enterprise social network. Tie this amount of time to the dollars spent on salaries of the respective employees using this time, and voila – you now have an accurate measure of the reduction in cost your social network brings.”

Thursday, January 29, 2015 | Comparing Yammer to Exchange Distribution lists | Comparing Yammer to Exchange Distribution lists:

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A nice discussion about how Yammer can help reduce the volume of email with in the Enterprise.  Volumes of email have continually increased and it is now a focus of business and IT to try to reduce this volume.

Hopefully the solution is not to just move the messages from one system to another, that would not make any difference in the volume of effort necessary to read and respond to messaging.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Machine Learning

If you want to know how to write algorithms for evaluating large data sets, using standard machine learning techniques, take this course.

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