Thursday, April 30, 2015

Social Collaboration Barriers | SmartData Collective

Social Collaboration Barriers | SmartData Collective:

"Social collaboration tools should be the way forward in enterprises of all sizes. Email is inefficient and broken. Social networks, by comparison, are too public, but we’ve all grown familiar and comfortable with how they function. Which makes social collaboration tools a natural fit, except many companies are still struggling with implementation and adoption."

'via Blog this'

The ROI for Enterprise Collaboration Tools | Enterprise Social Network Blog - tibbr

The ROI for Enterprise Collaboration Tools | Enterprise Social Network Blog - tibbr:

Emilie Doolittle of Tibbr, a social collaboration tool, puts the ROI clearly in this blog: “If you wanted to study access to information, for example, you would simply measure how much time it takes to locate information before and after implementation of your enterprise social network. Tie this amount of time to the dollars spent on salaries of the respective employees using this time, and voila – you now have an accurate measure of the reduction in cost your social network brings.”