Thursday, October 6, 2011

Good bye Mr. Jobs

I am not stunned by the news that Stephen Paul Jobs passed yesterday, I even predicted to a few friends that he would only resign from his post at Apple if he indeed knew the end of road was in sight. I am, of course, moved by the idea that a person whose ability to bring his vision of the future to us, today is gone and that our societies ability to have his visions available to us has disappeared with him. A window has closed that Steve held open for the last 35 years. What a heavenly view it has been. It is not that others out there don't have visions and "accurate visions" of the future. It is that no one, arguably, has the ability to bring his vision to the masses like Steve did.

If you have known me over the last 20 years, you would know that I have a love of gadgets and have had many. I remember looking at my digital address book that I bought for 200 bucks in 1993. I knew that the small form factor would include more and more capability eventually and would be become as useful and powerful as a desktop. Did I predict the iPhone, no, but I/anybody could easily look at the device in my hands and say what will this look like and what will this do in 10 years. That was not hard at all. But bringing that vision to reality and then delivering that vision to the masses is something that I don't know how to do at this point.

I think many have the creativity and vision to see what the possible future could look like, but Steve's greatest ability was that he made it happen time and time again. I think that loss is what strikes me most in Mr. Jobs unfortunate passing, is that we have lost the guy that has been one of the greatest inventors in history.

Goodbye Mr. Jobs.

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