Friday, July 22, 2011

China's number one B2B commerce site cracks down on Fraud

Alibaba one of the largest B2B sites in the world has been plagued in recent months with allegations of allowing suppliers to continue to use their platform even after many complaints of the suppliers not delivering to buyers as promised.

Currently Alibaba is not heavily used outside of China, but it is expected that they will make inroads into the English speaking market. This action does much to legitimize Alibaba in the eyes of the rest of the world.


Suzanne Bowen said...

No doubt, Johnny. In fact, my husband uses Alibaba now after years of emphasizing he would never use anything but eBay and Craigslist. BTW, I met a girl who was working at the Alibaba booth at CommunicAsia. Here is a video at that I recorded of her sharing her love of Alibaba shopping. (I met you at the China Telecom (Americas) booth at ITEXPO West last month.)

John said...

Suzanne, I finally looked at the video and it is very concise and one the best descriptions of Alibaba that I have seen to date.