Tuesday, February 8, 2011

China building a city for cloud computing

If this article about China's investment in cloud computing doesn't keep you up at night, then not much will. This article and the link included for another article Five reasons why China will rule tech clearly indicate that on a national level China is out to rule the world and they are doing it from the ground up.

While the US is still the economic and computing super power of the world, those days are surely numbered. The continued decline of our ability to teach math and science to our population is one factor that is baffling many in Washington. One reason why the pundits in Washington are struggling to understand what is necessary to get our kids back to levels that are associated with our countries technology domination of the 40's, 50's , and 60's is that most of the folks in DC are lawyers. Unless we want to be the worlds paralegal we need make a tremendous effort in improving our kids math and sciences scores so that they will have the knowledge and interest in designing the next generation of technologies for the future.

A second reason why China will be challenging our current position in the world is that their infrastructure will be considered brand new and state of the art by US standards. While the numbers can be argued, China's infrastructure package released for the "Great Recession" is estimated to be $586 Billion. Of the $825 Billion of the US stimulus package only a third was slated for infrastructure. The president has pledged to add an additional $150 Billion, but for a country that earned a "D" grade from the American Society of Civil Engineers that does not seem to be enough to keep up with our far east neighbors. They estimate that we need $1.5 Trillion to get up to a acceptable passing score.

Finally, with every factory that opens in China whether it be from the US or any other country, China is getting instant access to the technology used in these factories. China makes it mandatory with few exceptions that the technological know how is transferred to them. So what you may say, but the real kicker is that in the US when a factory closes the people that had the knowledge of the technology are no longer employed and the knowledge is essentially lost. Just ask someone how to make a TV in the US.

I feel lot more enthusiastic to help my kids with their math homework!!!

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